I'm Sr. Miriam, Director of Vocations. You are probably reading this message because you feel a tug in your heart from God; because you are searching for a deeper meaning in your life. One way to find that deeper meaning is by dedicating your life to God as a Sister. The life of a Sister is a call to be a gift of love to the world.
But what will becoming a Sister look like for you? Actually, it will be unique for you, as you open your heart to God; as you open your heart to Love.
You are called to live the unique mission God has for you through your vocation. This mission lives in your soul, waiting to be discovered. And your mission, God’s special call for you, will be lived out through the mission and charism of the specific Religious Congregation in which you become a Sister.
So, how is God calling you? How do you decide where God is calling you? I understand there are so many different Congregations of Sisters, all following the call of Jesus in unique and wonderful ways. You may wonder, “how can I decide? It’s difficult to decide which one is right for me”. But actually, it’s easy. Continue your search: read about, and visit several Religious Communities; find a good spiritual director or find a Sister who will help you in your search. Then reflect: “where do you feel at home?” and “where is your life filled with joy, where is your heart at peace?”
As I work with women who are seeking to follow God’s call in my Congregation, I hear over and over, “as soon as I started spending time with your Sisters, I felt in my heart and soul that I was home.” You, dear seeker, need to find where your heart and soul are “at peace, at home”.
Read on to discover more about our wonderful Congregation: The Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate; learn how we follow the dream of our beloved foundress, Margaret Mary Healy-Murphy. May the Holy Spirit guide you as you seek to follow God’s will for you.
I wish you an abundance of peace and great joy in your search.
In the Holy Spirit,
Sister Miriam Mitchell, S.H.Sp.
Vocation Director