Our Ministry in Zambia
Our ministry in Zambia began in September 1988 when three Sisters arrived in a small village in the Mongu Diocese in the Western Province. Initially, they worked in collaboration with the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. The Sisters were soon facing the reality of severe poverty, disease and malnutrition in the area. Malaria and AIDS were claiming the lives of many, especially children and young adults. This left many elderly grandparents caring for orphans with little or no means of support. Access to health care and clean water were almost non-existent.
The Sisters spearheaded programs to provide home-based health care and much needed medicines for the sick. They initiated feeding programs for the elderly and pre-school and nutrition programs for orphans. With the help of generous donors wells were sunk and pumps supplied to provide clean water for entire villages.
Housing was also needed and many traditional houses are being built and even some modern homes using interlocking blocks made locally.
As the numbers in the community grow, so does the involvement of the Sisters and these programs are being replicated in other areas.
At the request of the bishop, the Sisters supervised the renovation of an old seminary to provide a multi-purpose center in Limalunga, the “Royal Village.” They facilitated many educational and training programs there, especially regarding HIV/AIDS.
The Sisters are also involved in education both at primary and secondary levels and at a teacher training college. They also offer spiritual development, retreats and spiritual direction.
In 2003 the Sisters realized a long-awaited dream of building a formation house in Mongu which indicates a sense of permanence for the Sisters of the Holy Spirit in the Western Province of Zambia.
Formation House in Zambia