Partnering in Ministry
The Sisters of the Holy Spirit are partners with, sponsor or are members of the following agencies:
The Healy-Murphy Center is an alternative education program whose mission is to provide compassionate service to youth in crisis offering a free high school education on an individualized basis as well as infant and child care and health services.
Project Quest, an agency founded in San Antonio, which works in coordination with employers and provides education and skills training for low income workers to help them move up to better paying jobs.
We are members of Network, a national Catholic social justice lobby based in Washington, D.C. that works to influence congress to pass legislation that favors good human values of peace and justice and the protection of the environment.
We help to feed and clothe the poor and the homeless at Catholic Worker House and at Christian Assistance Ministries in San Antonio.
We are partners with Habitat for Humanity and are founding members of Merced Housing Texas. Both agencies work to provide decent and affordable housing for people who are economically disadvantaged.
We are members of the Socially Responsible Investment Coalition (SRIC). As faith-based investors and shareholders in corporations, SRIC members are called to build a more sustainable world by seeking justice and peace through actions which help transform corporate policies and actions.
We are members of the Resource Center for Religious Institutes (RCRI) which serves to enhance the living of religious life by providing education and advocacy to help us be better stewards of our resources.
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) is an association of the leaders of congregations of Catholic women religious in the United States, organized to further the Gospel in today’s world.
We, Sisters of the Holy Spirit, along with many other people today, believe that the time has come to move from individualism to communion in our world. LCWR has provided a method for engaging in dialogue to promote this movement. Please find on the LCWR website the one-hour video, Contemplative Dialogue: Unleashing the Transformative Power of Communal Wisdom .
Crosspoint, Inc. is now housed in our former Motherhouse and is providing invaluable help to former detainees of federal prisons and to homeless veterans as they transition back to family life and to employment. We have limited involvement in their activities but admire and support this ministry.