Our Spirituality
Women of prayer united in love for God and each other
“Moved by the Holy Spirit praying within us we strive to cultivate a deep spiritual life, an intense and personal love for our Lord and his people.” Constitutions #19
The daily lives of our sisters revolve around prayer in all its aspects.
We honor the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate in a special way in our life of prayer. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in all we undertake for the sake of God’s Kingdom.
In the liturgy of the hours, morning and evening, and in our daily Eucharist we join our prayers of praise and petition with the prayer of the church for the whole world.
In addition to community prayer we each set aside time for private prayer in order to develop a deep personal relationship with God.
During the course of the year we set aside time for days of recollection and an annual week-long retreat.
We welcome you to join us for Eucharist, Morning or Evening Prayer or our Monthly Retreat on the last Saturday of each month.
Call us at (210) 533-5149 for the schedule.
Our main community feast days are Pentecost Sunday and Dec. 8th, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. We pray a special novena on these feasts and invite all our web visitors to join with us in these prayers.

Community Liturgy

Community Worship

Evening Prayer
Novena for the Feast of Pentecost
Come, Holy Spirit, come!
Teach us to believe that we, like the earth, already hold within ourselves the seeds of new life.
Awaken in us new hope and new dreams so that we can break through the soil of our own barrenness and fear.
Give us roots that we may stand firm in integrity and give us wings to bring the stirrings of compassion to your poor and marginalized.
Great Spirit, make us a people of peace.
Teach us to walk softly on your lands, to use with care your gifts and to love with tenderness all our brothers and sisters.
Come, Holy Spirit, come!
Consagración al Espíritu Santo
O Espíritu Santo! Recibe la consegración perfecta y absoluta de todo mi ser.
Dígnate ser en adelante, en cada uno de los instantes de mi vida, en cada una de mis acciones:
mi Director, mi Luz, mi Guía, mi Fuerza y el Amor de mi corazón.
Yo me abandono sin reserva a tus operaciones divinas y quiero ser siempre dócil a tus inspiraciones.
O Espíritu Santo! Transfórmame con María y en María en Cristo Jesús, para Gloria del Padre y la salvación del mundo. Amen
Novena to the Immaculate Conception
Holy Mary, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, priestly woman and holy prophetess, we greet you!
You carried in your body the Gospel of Peace and we ask you to be our mother as well.
We honor you, Mary, wife of Joseph and Mother of Jesus. You are the patroness of contemplatives, a guide to pilgrims and an inspiration to all people.
You are a light to those who wander in darkness in response to the voice of God.
We honor you, Mary and ask to be united with you. United with you, may we be one with God and always open to God’s will for us.
May we, too, feel the mystery of Christ alive within us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. Amen