Retired and still providing hope and help

Sister Vera Ruane

Since I retired from a full-time occupation of being a Medical Social Worker with Hospice, my work has been, and continues to be, a composite of various types – namely: 1) Caring for 19-20 automobiles at the Motherhouse (maintenance/State inspection/tire replacement/and general upkeep). 2) Working as a part-time Receptionist at Oblate Renewal Center on week-ends/evenings. 3) Volunteering with the homeless at Haven for Hope. Haven for Hope is a transitional facility providing a comprehensive system of care while addressing the root causes of homelessness – a place of hope and new beginnings. My small contribution of working with a team of retired professionals focuses on I.D. recovery, i.e., the acquisition of a TX I.D. /TX driver’s license/retrieval of birth certificates or school records, etc. for those individuals who need such. In addition, listening to individuals’ “stories” while providing hope and encouragement is a vital part of this work.

As a receptionist and provider of information at Oblate Renewal Center, I interact with the many groups and individuals who attend conferences, retreats and meetings of various types. My work focuses on being a hospitable, supportive and reliable resource as I endeavor to meet the needs of the person(s) who are temporary guests. I consider myself fortunate to be able to continue helping in these areas despite age and limited energy levels.

Sister Vera Ruane


“I was in prison and you visited me…” (Mt. 25:36)


"Whatever you do for the least..." (MT. 25:40)